
Every city has a star: a sports icon, a celebrity, a cultural icon. Playmakers is an innovative restaurant idea that brings the icon of the city to the people


A diverse menu of regional-specific cuisine and fresh ingredient-driven approach.


Dine in what feels like the living room of your favorite star, watching a game featuring your sports icon while enjoying their signature dish, or celebrating the local city alongside likeminded fans.



Playmakers is a restaurant concept that brings the icon of a major city into an unforgettable dining experience for the masses. Every Playmakers restaurant will highlight the STAR of that city with a restaurant/sports bar specifically designed to celebrate the accomplishments and merits that person has brought to the city.  

Led by a team of successful restauranteurs, Playmakers is an innovative idea about bringing the person who best exemplifies a city to a restaurant in a major hub. From a group of successful businesspeople, each restaurant will be designed to give the absolute best experience to the guest: from the quality of the food and the experience in dining in their favorite star’s restaurant.  

Location-Specific Menus

Highlights the favorite drink and dish of the namesake of the restaurant, along with an expert-designed menu.

A Place for everyone

For the traveler looking for a place to get a drink to the foodies looking for the hot, new restaurant, Playmakers is the place for everyone.

Take a look at our Amazing Locations
